Plugins Documentation
Provides a way to detect when an element enters or leaves the viewport. Ideal for triggering animations or lazy loading.
Website: Alpine.js Intersect Plugin
Allows exporting Tailwind CSS configuration as CSS variables for dynamic use in your stylesheets.
Website: Tailwind CSS Variables
A lightweight, flexible slider and carousel library with customizable options for responsive design.
Website: Splide.js
Provides a tag input plugin allowing users to create and manage tags within an input field.
Website: Tagify
A lightweight JavaScript framework for adding declarative and reactive behavior to HTML elements.
Website: Alpine.js
An open-source icon library with a wide range of SVG icons, designed for use with Bootstrap and other frameworks.
Website: Bootstrap Icons
A flexible and simple JavaScript library for creating interactive charts and graphs.
Website: Chart.js
A library for drag-and-drop file uploads with image previews and easy integration.
Website: Dropzone.js
A responsive lightbox plugin for displaying images, videos, and other content in a modal overlay.
Website: GLightbox
A lightweight syntax highlighter for displaying code snippets with support for numerous programming languages.
Website: Prism.js
A simple JavaScript library for creating interactive, sortable, and searchable data tables.
Website: Simple-DataTables
An easy-to-use Markdown editor with features like live preview and syntax highlighting.
Website: SimpleMDE